Episode #78 - Kevin Boehm of BOKA Restaurant Group

This week we are thrilled to be joined by restaurant legend Kevin Boehm, co-founder of the acclaimed BOKA Restaurant Group. With over 30 years in the business and 40 concepts launched, Boehm has countless insights and stories to share from his winding journey to becoming an award-winning hospitality icon. He takes us through the exhilarating early days, opening ambitious restaurants in different cities, enduring homelessness and fist fights along the way, before eventually forming an indomitable partnership with Rob Katz in Chicago. We learn about game-changing hinge points in growing BOKA group, prioritizing chef-driven creativity, the efficacy of a grassroots approach, and so much more.


Episode #79 - Erling Wu-Bower of Underscore Hospitality


Episode #77 - Christine Cikowski of Honey Butter Fried Chicken